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Docker Sapphire Bot example

This is a basic setup of a Discord bot using the sapphire framework written in TypeScript containerized with Docker

How to use it?


  1. Copy the .env.example and rename it to .env, make sure to fill the Token.
  2. Open the Dockerfile and in the block marked with Conditional steps for end-users make sure you enable the lines that apply to your project.


Run docker-compose up. This will start the bot in watch mode and automatically run it after each save. It will build the Dockerfile up until the development stage.


Just like in the development step, you have to fill in the .env file and then run the following command to create a production image;

docker build . -t sapphire-sample-bot

To test if your image works, you can run:

docker run --env-file .env sapphire-sample-bot


Dedicated to the public domain via the Unlicense, courtesy of the Sapphire Community and its contributors.