# Docker Sapphire Bot example This is a basic setup of a Discord bot using the [sapphire framework][sapphire] written in TypeScript containerized with Docker ## How to use it? ### Prerequisite 1. Copy the `.env.example` and rename it to `.env`, make sure to fill the Token. 2. Open the Dockerfile and in the block marked with `Conditional steps for end-users` make sure you enable the lines that apply to your project. ### Development Run `docker-compose up`. This will start the bot in watch mode and automatically run it after each save. It will build the `Dockerfile` up until the `development` stage. ### Production Just like in the development step, you have to fill in the `.env` file and then run the following command to create a production image; ```sh docker build . -t sapphire-sample-bot ``` To test if your image works, you can run: ```sh docker run --env-file .env sapphire-sample-bot ``` ## License Dedicated to the public domain via the [Unlicense], courtesy of the Sapphire Community and its contributors. [sapphire]: https://github.com/sapphiredev/framework [unlicense]: https://github.com/sapphiredev/examples/blob/main/LICENSE.md