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3 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
SadlyNotSappho | 3a5fb7bcd0 | |
SadlyNotSappho | 92671eb0c8 | |
SadlyNotSappho | 085878f9f8 |
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ use rocket::fs::TempFile;
use rocket::http::CookieJar;
use rocket::serde::{json::Json, Deserialize};
use fossil::tables::{Db, Image, Post, User};
use fossil::tables::{Db, Image, LoginStatus, Post, User};
fn login_page() -> RawHtml<String> {
@ -114,38 +114,46 @@ async fn account(mut db: Connection<Db>, cookies: &CookieJar<'_>) -> status::Cus
#[post("/login", data = "<info>")]
async fn login(mut db: Connection<Db>, info: Json<LoginInfo>, cookies: &CookieJar<'_>) -> String {
async fn login(
mut db: Connection<Db>,
info: Json<LoginInfo>,
cookies: &CookieJar<'_>,
) -> status::Custom<&'static str> {
let token = cookies.get_private("token");
match token {
Some(_) => {
"already logged in".to_string()
status::Custom(Status::Continue, "already logged in")
None => {
match User::get_by_username(&mut db, &info.username).await {
Some(user) => {
if user.password == sha256::digest(&info.password) {
match user.token {
Some(t) => {cookies.add_private(("token", t)); "Logged in".to_string()},
Some(t) => {cookies.add_private(("token", t)); status::Custom(Status::Ok, "Logged in")},
None => {
match user.set_new_token(&mut db).await {
Ok(t) => {
cookies.add_private(("token", t));
"logged in".to_string()
status::Custom(Status::Ok, "Logged in")
Err(why) => {
status::Custom(Status::InternalServerError, "Couldn't generate a token for you, therefore you weren't logged in.")
Err(why) => why,
} else {
String::from("Invalid username or password (to those whining about why it doesn't tell you if the username or password is incorrect, security)")
status::Custom(Status::Forbidden, "Invalid username or password (to those whining about why it doesn't tell you if the username or password is incorrect, security)")
None =>
String::from("Invalid username or password (to those whining about why it doesn't tell you if the username or password is incorrect, security)"),
status::Custom(Status::Forbidden, "Invalid username or password (to those whining about why it doesn't tell you if the username or password is incorrect, security)")
async fn logout(cookies: &CookieJar<'_>) -> status::Custom<&'static str> {
match cookies.get_private("token") {
@ -253,11 +261,14 @@ async fn toggleperms(
cookies: &CookieJar<'_>,
) -> status::Custom<String> {
match cookies.get_private("token") {
Some(t) => match User::get_by_token(&mut db, t).await {
Some(user) => match user.admin {
Some(t) => {
match User::get_by_token(&mut db, t).await {
Some(user) => {
match user.admin {
true => match User::get_by_username(&mut db, &info.username).await {
Some(toggled_user) => {
match toggled_user.username == user.username && info.perm == "admin" {
match toggled_user.username == user.username && info.perm == "admin"
true => status::Custom(
"You can't change your own admin status".to_string(),
@ -268,7 +279,8 @@ async fn toggleperms(
match toggled_user.username == admin_username {
true => status::Custom(
"You can't change the system admin's perms.".to_string(),
"You can't change the system admin's perms."
false => {
match info.perm == "admin"
@ -295,19 +307,27 @@ async fn toggleperms(
None => status::Custom(
"The user you're trying to toggle perms for doesn't exist.".to_string(),
"The user you're trying to toggle perms for doesn't exist."
false => status::Custom(Status::Unauthorized, "You aren't an admin.".to_string()),
false => {
status::Custom(Status::Unauthorized, "You aren't an admin.".to_string())
None => status::Custom(Status::Unauthorized, "Invalid login token".to_string()),
None => status::Custom(Status::Unauthorized, "Not logged in".to_string()),
async fn get_image(image: String, mut db: Connection<Db>) -> Result<NamedFile, Status> {
async fn get_image(
image: String,
mut db: Connection<Db>,
) -> Result<NamedFile, status::Custom<&'static str>> {
let mut split = image.split('.').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let format = split.pop().unwrap();
let image = split.join(".");
@ -335,77 +355,95 @@ async fn get_image(image: String, mut db: Connection<Db>) -> Result<NamedFile, S
Err(why) => Err(match &why.to_string()[..] {
"Format error decoding Png: Invalid PNG signature." => Status::NotAcceptable,
_ => Status::InternalServerError,
"Format error decoding Png: Invalid PNG signature." => {
status::Custom(Status::NotAcceptable, "That file isn't an image.")
_ => status::Custom(Status::InternalServerError, "Unknown decoding error"),
Err(_) => Err(Status::NotFound),
Err(_) => Err(status::Custom(
"Unknown decoding error",
Err(_) => Err(Status::ImATeapot),
Err(_) => Err(status::Custom(
"File not found",
#[post("/upload", format = "image/png", data = "<file>")]
async fn upload(mut file: TempFile<'_>, cookies: &CookieJar<'_>, mut db: Connection<Db>) -> String {
async fn upload(
mut file: TempFile<'_>,
cookies: &CookieJar<'_>,
mut db: Connection<Db>,
) -> status::Custom<String> {
let uuid = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
// login & perms check
match User::login_status(&mut db, cookies).await {
LoginStatus::LoggedIn(user) => {
match user.make_posts || user.admin {
// image validation check
true => {
match file.copy_to(format!("/srv/tmpimages/{uuid}.png")).await {
Ok(_) => {
// validate that it is, in fact, an image
match Reader::open(format!("/srv/tmpimages/{uuid}.png")) {
Ok(_) => {
match cookies.get_private("token") {
Some(t) => {
match User::get_by_token(&mut db, t).await {
Some(user) => {
if user.make_posts == true || user.admin == true {
// upload to db
match Image::create(&mut db, &uuid, user).await {
Ok(_) => {
// move image
match file
match file.copy_to(format!("/srv/images/{uuid}.png")).await {
Ok(_) => match Image::create(&mut db, &uuid, user).await {
Ok(_) => {
match fs::remove_file(format!(
)) {
Ok(_) => uuid,
Ok(_) => status::Custom(Status::Created, uuid),
Err(why) => {
"couldn't delete old file"
eprintln!("couldn't clear image from tmpimages: {why:?}");
status::Custom(Status::Ok, uuid)
Err(why) => {
"couldn't save file to final destination"
"Couldn't save to DB".to_string(),
Err(_) => status::Custom(
"Couldn't copy file to final location".to_string(),
Err(_) => "Couldn't save to DB".to_string(),
} else {
"Invalid perms".to_string()
Err(_) => status::Custom(
"File isn't an image".to_string(),
None => "Invalid login token".to_string(),
Err(_) => status::Custom(
"Couldn't save temporary file".to_string(),
None => "Not logged in".to_string(),
false => status::Custom(
"You don't have the right permissions for that".to_string(),
Err(why) => {
// isn't an image, or something else went wrong
LoginStatus::InvalidToken => {
status::Custom(Status::Unauthorized, "Invalid login token".to_string())
LoginStatus::NotLoggedIn => {
status::Custom(Status::Unauthorized, "Not logged in".to_string())
Err(why) => why.to_string(),
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use base64::{engine::general_purpose, Engine};
use rand::{RngCore, SeedableRng};
use regex::Regex;
use rocket::http::Cookie;
use rocket::http::{Cookie, CookieJar};
use rocket_db_pools::sqlx::Executor;
use rocket_db_pools::Connection;
use rocket_db_pools::{
@ -67,6 +67,12 @@ pub struct User {
pub comment: bool,
pub enum LoginStatus {
impl User {
pub async fn create(db: &mut Connection<Db>, username: &String, password: &String) -> Result<String, String> {
match Regex::new(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_]") {
@ -217,6 +223,22 @@ impl User {
pub async fn login_status(db: &mut Connection<Db>, cookies: &CookieJar<'_>) -> LoginStatus {
match cookies.get_private("token") {
Some(t) => {
match User::get_by_token(db, t).await {
Some(user) => {
None => {
None => LoginStatus::NotLoggedIn
pub struct Image {
@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
body: input.files[0]
// TODO: if status is 200, not 201, alert the user to tell the admins to clear tmpimages
alert(await token.text());
Reference in New Issue